Tuesday, December 23, 2008

December 23, 2008

AJ is now ten!!!! What an amazing journey this has been thus far.
A new interest for AJ is TV. He has become a sci-fi fan thus joining in his Dad, sister Elisabeth and Grandma Bettie's interests.
Photo's are from AJ's 10th Birthday Party sponsored by KC's St. Philip's Parish.
Have a wonderful Christmas.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September 3, 2008

AJ, Elisabeth & Katharine had a GREAT time at thier soon to be BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!! The theme was a tropical carnival so we had many festive decorations and activities for everyone including a cupcake walk, fishing game, face painting, craft projects, a ball toss and AJ's inspiration booth. AJ had been practicing for 3 weeks prior to the party with a page on his communication device that was all about his inpsiration booth. AJ would ask for a "ticket please" then say "pick a box" for the receiver to partake. AJ was a little shy and didn't use his springboard communication device very much, but with 77 people that was a lot to take in. With a little prompting and patience, he was able to get a few groups of people to take part. We are very proud of all AJ's hard work. You go AJ!!!!
It was a great party thanks to all our guests. I made sure I was able to at least say hello by placing a Lei around people's necks. I was glad I did that because visiting for very long was not going to happen. Did I mention 77 guests? =) We finished the evening with a family & friend dinner Mexican style for those who came from the Yakima Valley to be with us. That was about 20 people or so.
I keep having people respond "THAT WAS A GREAT PARTY!!!!!"
Yes, it was. We had a lot of fun.
Treasured guests, thanks again for coming. We wanted something special for a soon to be 10 birthday for AJ and are so glad we were able to include his sisters who will be celebrating there birthdays this month. And that couldn't have been so successful without your participation.
God Bless you,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August 13,2008

First of all, THANK YOU to all who have kept AJ and our family in your thoughts, prayers and actions. We greatly appreciate it.

AJ will be turning 10 in December. This year we decided to celebrate early with Elisabeth & Katharine included (both girls celebrate their birthdays in September). So, on August 23rd we will be having a Early Birthday Open House. We are all looking foreword to that!!

Have an AMAZING day!!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008