Friday, December 17, 2010

12 years ago today...
So there I was, home alone at 5pm, needing to go to the hospital. By 6pm, your dad showed up, and grandma Char about 15 minutes later. Little did we know grandma has a double life as a race car driver. We were checked into the hospital around 7pm. We were bumped from surgery for a set of twins to be delivered and then taken into surgery around 8pm.
At 8:46, you were born, all 3 pounds and 7 ounces of you.
From there you have made your own story.
Happy Birthday to you AJ!!!! 12 years later and going strong!!!!
I love you, mom.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

12 years ago on Tuesday I started going into labor although it was labled "Braxton Hicks". Well I huffed and puffed, reassuring your Dad and grandma Char that the Doctors said "Braxton Hicks" after an unscheduled appointment.
I will get a bit ahead of myself to say this went on for three days. On Thursday your Dad had an interview and your Grandma had something going on and it was very hard to convince them to continue with their plans and leave me home alone. I tried sleeping (funny I know, but I tried). Grandma Char called about every hour to see how I was doing. Still huffing and puffing my Braxton Hicks I told her.

Around 5 pm I had something change and called the closing doctor's office to be told to come into Labor and Delivery.

Your story will continue in a few more days...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

About this time in 1998, we would be told your birthdate would be January 3rd. What a way to ring in the new year. We have twice weekly appointments with the doctor. Ultra sounds every time. The doctor has a plan for your delivery with your Frank Breech position in mind. But a good plan makes people feel like they have it under control. So we were just patiently waiting for your arrival. Hoping to meet you. Not getting too ahead of ourselves.
So much for my idea of having your delivery at home. Thus I nick-named myself Willow to remind myself to be flexible. That would come to be very handy advice indeed.
I think the baby crib was up by now, all the clothes washed and put away. Snuggly blankets waiting. Grandma Bettie had made a christening gown and blanket for you. Oh, and since I adore Winnie The Pooh, that's what we were surrounded with. Silly willy nilly old bear.
You and I had many talks about doing your best and how much your dad and I loved you. I think Grandma Char patted my tummy and sent her love as often as she saw me. You are one very loved little "bump".