Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's healing!!!

AJ's arm is healing slowly, but healing none the less. We are still taking it very easy and hope to resume AJ's regular routine in several more weeks.
AJ is off all pain meds and doing well. His incoming teeth are still an issue, but at the moment, not as bad.
Meanwhile...AJ had a visit especially for him from cousin Adam for a few days two weeks ago. Adam is a great kid and we had a wonderful time. He's hoping to come again. We are looking foreword to seeing him again.
Cousin Wilson has a job and we are very proud of him. His stay is now upgraded to indefinitely.
I am very honored as auntie to be able to help in his new endeavor.
Mike and the girls have been to the Gamache Family Reunion, Patnode Siblings & Families Fourth Of July (see above photo) and had a great time!! They came home a little refreshed.
The girls are looking foreword to more camping trips with Grandma & Grandpa on the Columbia River.
Have an amazing day.